

Product Developer Advocate, AWS
mhausenblas has written 25 posts for Web of Data

Ye shall not DELETE data!

Where I suggest that rather than to delete data on the Web, create a new version of it to prevent lossy data. Continue reading

Solving tomorrow’s problems with yesterday’s tools

Where Michael discusses the efficiency of relational databases for certain problems and the effectiveness of NoSQL for big, messy data. Continue reading

Why we link …

Where I discuss why linking your data to other data in the Web makes sense through a simple example. Continue reading

Can NoSQL help us in processing Linked Data?

This is an announcement and call for feedback. Over the past couple of days I’ve compiled a short review article where I look into NoSQL solutions and to what extent they can be used to process Linked Data. I’d like to extend and refine this article, but this only works if you share your experiences … Continue reading

From CSV data on the Web to CSV data in the Web

In our daily work with Government data such as statistics, geographical data, etc. we often deal with Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files. Now, they are really handy as they are easy to produce and to consume: almost any language and platform I came across so far has some support for parsing CSV files and I can … Continue reading
