

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Linked Data – the past 10y and the next 10y

Though Linked Data (the set of principles) can be considered being around since roughly three years, the technologies it builds upon are around already considerable longer: two of the three core Linked Data technologies (URIs and HTTP) are some 20y old. And because I know that you’re at least as curious as I am 😉 … Continue reading

Somewhere between Ross 154 and Ross 248

Imagine you are around somewhere between Ross 154 and Ross 248. Then you’ll likely see these days an announcement ‘W3C Issues Recommendation for Resource Description Framework (RDF)‘: RDF provides interoperability between applications that exchange machine-understandable information on the Web. RDF emphasizes facilities to enable automated processing of Web resources. RDF can be used in a … Continue reading
